Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'm tired. I've been hanging on for far too long. Still wishing.. still hoping.. being disappointed over and over again.

Yet i'm stupid enough to think that maybe things will get better... that i would not be taken for granted... that maybe for once, i would not be invisible for you to pass me by.

I don't know what's mine anymore.... :(

Friday, June 5, 2009

Do we meet people by chance or would you say it's pre-destined? Are we merely travellers in this journey of life and happen to cross paths at some juncture?

I never really thought much about it before. But lately, from conversations and events happening, i realized how much 'timing' has to do with everything. Would our relationships be where it is TODAY if we had met earlier/later?Are we meant to continue this journey together from now on? Or will we eventually separate ways in the not too distant future?

For now, i guess i should just be thankful for the company. ;)

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Its been a while. Quite a while actually.
Many had happened. Its rather challenging.
With a blank face and a blank stare, it doesn't mean its unnoticed.
Its just undigested. Wait till it sinks in, that where the hoo-haa dramatisation comes in.

Things turned out to be unexpectedly good. He took the initiative, i wonder how long this will last.I've to go to Hannah's party. Wil continue my 2 cents worth of thoughts soon. :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

There are times when i think i have nothing left. Times when i think i should just throw in the towel and give up.

But then... when i hear of people around me... their stories... it makes me realized that perhaps they have had it worst. I live in my own 'drama' thinking this is it.. woe is me! Till i hear what they have gone through or are going through. The 'uncertainties' that seem so difficult to cope with are merely my own demons... my own insecurities.

I have to keep reminding myself that there ARE people who still think of me... and yes, it's not wrong for them to care. :P

Monday, April 6, 2009

Maybe if i was dumb enough, i wouldn't 'see' what's happening... i would be oblivious to things... i would believe everything and not over-analyze... i don't have to live in denial...

Maybe we would be better off... i'd like to say i'll be happier but i won't. Coz for now, even the most trivial things can already make me fly high as a kite.

MM... we need more cotton candy!! ;)

Monday, March 30, 2009

The heart tells you to just go for it. But it stops when the head starts its thinking job.
A burden, a heartache, a yes, no or maybe...
Looking never seems enough, never it will be enough.

I run, i race to the finish point. As time stood still, my decision quivers.
Sometimes, some things are just not meant to be.
Sometimes, what you see is what you get.
Sometimes, shit is all that you get.
Sometimes, shit seems like good ol gold.
Sometimes, shit cannot be flushed down.
But all the time, its meant to go down the 'si-hang'.

I'm high on something i don't know. i know.
Probably i had too much of think-ology and work-ology to think right.
He needs a break, so do i.
We all need a break. Sometimes, get things done...
Talk over it, no playing hide and seek..
Not in the same par? Click the next button.

Easy as it seems, everyone in the earth agrees its never easy to do.
At least think about it or attempt to do is good enough for the soul.

May i rest in peace tonight.

Monday, March 23, 2009

ah.. those times... when he's lost in his own thoughts... when he doesn't realize you're looking... the little quirks and idiosyncrasies. Those short, fleeting moments that's captured only in your mind.. and in your heart. :)

It makes you smile when you think you're privileged to have that 'memory'. Yet, sometimes, it's makes you sad as well.. to know that perhaps, this is all you will ever have.

Yes.. treasure every little moment... but when do we let go before it becomes a burden?